Welcome 2003!  I don't know about you, but 2002 couldn't end fast enough for me!  How did you do for the holidays?  With the cookbook knocked out of the way, my appetite for a personal challenge helped me start an aggressive training program and pre-competition diet right before Christmas.  I found myself eating a yam and can of tuna while my family gorged on Dad's tamales, a turkey, and  a smothered burrito bar! I brought a beautiful Red Velvet cake that was well received by the family but I didn't even lick the spoon. Yay for me!  It certainly gave me some perspective on food's place in society and human will power.  My will feels incredibly strong right now and I intend to use it as long as it lasts!

If you decided to just have fun drinking and eating yourself silly, it's time to let it go and move forward. The holidays are over and it's time to officially state your position for the coming year.  Will you nestle in the comfort of your recliner and retire from life or will you stand bravely at the precipice of decision and take a leap of faith?

             Food for Thought

"Resolve to Evolve in 2003"

If you're doing any kind of web-surfing, you are undoubtedly finding a lot of hoo-haw ideas for resolutions.  The word "resolution" itself has become such a cliche, inactive headline word that I didn't even want to use it in my title.  Notice that I've chosen two key words here - "resolve" and "evolve".  I simply cannot bring myself to make traditional New Years suggestions without discussing these two concepts; otherwise my suggestions would be just empty words.

The dictionary says the verb "resolve" means "to reach a firm decision about".  The challenge to this definition is to follow the decision with action though, isn't it?  Let's just go ahead and add to this new definition in our 2003 vocabulary.  Tape this to your virtual forehead - "RESOLVE: to reach a firm decision and follow it with a course of determined action".  Action is what really will turn "resolve" into a verb and most certainly, into results!

I'm not looking this one up, it's too simple.  Our 2003 definition of evolve means "to regularly behave in a manner that encourages personal growth and positive change for myself and the lives of others".  Got that on a sticky note?

Surprise!  I'm not going to tell you to lose 10 pounds by the next newsletter.  Sometimes our lives greatest changes occur over a span of time by tackling the smallest, most manageably puny little things one at a time.  Small, itty, bitty successes give us the confidence to tackle the greater challenges. Here are a few you can try.

Keep a Success Journal
I know you're busy! Can you write down one sentence (or even just a word) each day that records one positive thing you did  to move you towards your goals?

Try Something New
This could be something that scares you but seems fun (skiing?), something you've been avoiding (writing a budget) or making the decision to finally start eating breakfast every morning (see The Recipe Box.).

Get Help
It takes a village to raise a champion of any sort.  If you need help, encouragement, knowledge, a kick in the pants, or someone's life experience ASK for it, find it online, or get a book about it!

Buy Thank You Cards
The only two words in the English language that cannot be misinterpreted or bite you in the behind if they are said together with sincerity are "thank" and "you"("I love you" is still be debated by college students who haven't ever said it over at the local university coffee house).   Keep a little stash of cards & stamps in your desk  to immediately thank those who've done nice things for you.

Lose 6 pounds
Losing 6 pounds will get you over the 5 pound hump and yet seems more attainable than the traditional 10.  Once you  hit 6, well maybe 4 more won't be so hard!

Be Nice
Last year I decided to always try and be kind and do sweet things whenever I could - even if it sometimes got misinterpreted or went unappreciated (I had a few days when I didn't do this of course!). This was a real challenge at times but the funny thing is,by the end of the year, much of the kindness came back to me full circle!  I like this one-it made me feel good about myself on days I may not have had anything to smile about.

Involve Others in Fitness & Healthy Cooking
Okay, if you do this, you must make a concerted effort to make it fun!  Invite a friend, co-worker, or someone you are interested in out for an active date like skiing, basketball, a free weights lesson, or just a walk on a nice greenbelt.  Older kids might enjoy a sports-oriented activity or helping you prepare dinner.  Younger kids like my 7-year old might have more fun growing a tiny Chia Herb Garden with you (something I'm actually trying) and of course helping you prepare a fresh & healthy dinner with some of the harvest!

There is a saying I heard once that seems appropriate to say now.  "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". If you can't make a big change right now, then just make a small positive one every day that you possibly can. Every day and everything you do this year has the potential to matter and make a difference - that's what being your best is all about.

Resolve to evolve in 2003!

Heart Healthy Oatmeal Pancakes
Store bought pancake mixes use just enough whole wheat flour to take advantage of the unsuspecting consumer who doesn't notice that "white flour" is one of the main ingredients. The recipe below is devoid of white flour and uses ingredients that provide an extended source of energy.  Enjoy the special taste that comes only with the small effort of cooking form scratch.

1 cup fat free milk (or water)
3/4 cup oatmeal
3/4 cup Oat Flour
1 tsp baking powder (optional)
1/4 tsp salt (optional)
4 large white egg white
1 tsp cinnamon, ground

Suggested Modifications:

Blueberry pancakes: Add ¼ c blueberries (fresh or thawed) to recipe, omit cinnamon
Oat-Nut pancakes: Add 1 ½ tbsp diced pecans, walnuts, or almonds to recipe.
Whole Grain pancakes: Replace quick oats with hot multigrain cereal.

Directions: Heat milk (or water) until hot, stir in oats and set aside. Beat egg whites into a stiff foam with hand mixer or blender and reserve. Mix remaining dry ingredients together and stir in oatmeal/milk mixture and oil (if used). Fold in egg whites until mixture is well blended. Spray pan with nonstick spray and cook pancakes until browned on both sides. 

Note: Beating the egg whites into a stiff foam is what makes these pancakes so fluffy. If you do not have a hand mixer or blender, just whisk the whites as best you can by hand. 

Stella's Kitchen Tip

Double Do It:
When preparing good food like the oatmeal pancakes from scratch, it's a smart idea to double the recipe and freeze the extra portions in individual portions. This saves money and time and also ensures you get optimum nutrition even when you're on the go.


COOKBOOK :  The Stella's Kitchen cookbook is off to an even greater start than anticipated.  I've received a lot of positive feedback.  Click here to ORDER or just read the REVIEWS I've been getting in my email.  Also, if you haven't ordered, you may be interested in knowing that 10% of all 2003 proceeds from the Stella's Kitchen site as well as any local Colorado bookstore sales has been pledged to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Denver and will be earmarked for Athletic & Fitness Programs for "at-risk" youth.

FREE COOKBOOK SAMPLER:  If you want a sneak peek at some of the great content in the Stella's Kitchen cookbook, then downloadable a sample version of the cookbook right here.

MORE RECIPES: I still intend to build the recipe section of the site but in the meantime, stop by the "Fit Food" corner on the other website I maintain: http://www.bodybuilding.about.com

NEW LOOK: Take a peek around the site. I had some banners done and redesigned the site. I hope you like the new look!

ON THE AIR:  I'll be appearing on US Sportsradio's "House of Pain Iron Show" on 1/8 at 6 pm EST. Check the site for archived broadcast copies or to see if I'm on the schedule for other weeks in January.

What's New?: In between newsletters, you can visit the "What's New" page of the Stella's Kitchen site for the most current kitchen updates and news..

My Related Articles & Features Elsewhere on the 'Net

10 Ways To Clean Up Your Diet 
Recipe Makeover Strategies

Healthy Substitutions & Replacements Guide
Modify Your Favorite Recipes

The Oatmeal Zone
Simple & Fast Oatmeal Recipe Ideas

The Green Light
Break Through Fitness Plateaus

That's it for this month! I wish everyone the best of health in 2003! 

Your Friend,
CLICK here to download Stella's Cookbook Sampler PDF
The Kitchen News

January 2003

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